If you have a mailbox, then odds are you’re no stranger to junk mail.

And if you’ve also closed on a loan recently, whether a mortgage for your home or loan for your business, it is likely you’ve received quite a few solicitations in your mailbox that look as though they could be from your lender.

Junk mail is nothing new, but why do you get an influx of it after closing on a loan?

There is an abundance of companies that utilize information that is public record or that they’ve purchased from another company to send solicitations to consumers. This has been commonly seen with mortgages for years, but increasingly borrowers are receiving solicitations that appear to be from their lender for other items like business loans as well.

For example, you may receive a postcard stating something along the lines of:

“We’re trying to reach you about an important matter regarding your mortgage.”

“Our review indicates you may have $XX,XXX in available funds that are entitled to compensation for retaining employees during the pandemic…”

If you receive a mailer like those described above, the simplest thing to do is toss it in the shredder or recycling bin.

If you’re unsure if the mailer is legitimately from your lender or if there is any action you need to take, call the number on the official website for your lender (not the one on the postcard you received), and your financial institution will be able to verify if it is real or just junk mail.

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